A lots of things have happened in the last few days, but I haven't got the time to type them out fully. I will try to do that now, but no promises. You see, it is 10:30 now and in a half an hour, I would be lying soundly in my bed, dreaming whatever it is that I would be dreaming. lolz.
First of all, my little sister enter this National Story Telling Competition, and for some strange reason, actually came in first. After think about this unlikely incident, I have come to a few conclusions: 1)Her school bribed the judges. 2)There was a mixup in the prize department and the top prize was given to them by mistake. 3)She really was that good. O.o Go on, take a wild guess as to which is the correct reason. :P In all likelihood, you would be able to read about her in the newspapers in the days to come, so do keep an eye out. :D
Aww, darn! I'm almost out of time! So here is a quick quote, this time taken from Scott Adams, the author of Dilbert.
" I don't know why everyone says poverty can't be eliminated. The solution is obvious to me. All it takes is what bankers call the :"miracle of compound interest."
This requires a long-term approach to the problem, but its fairly foolproof if you're patient. All you do is give each poor person a dollar. There are only about 5 billion poor people, so this is quite affordable as a percentage of the worldwide GNP. That dollar is deposited in a special bank account for each of the poor people with the idea that it stays there for generations collection interest. The number of poor people doubles every twenty years, but the value of money doubles every ten years, assuming it is well invested, so the gap will close.
In 4000 years, the descendants of the poor people will be allowed to go to the bank and asked for their money. The bank will inform them that the dollar was taken in fees 4000 years ago, and the balance of all their accounts is zero. At this point, the poor people will kill the bankers and steal all the money in the bank, thus ending poverty completely."
-Scott Adams, The Dilbert Future.
Okay, its now 11. I got to go now, but should come back soon in order to tell you all about the days events. Bye for now.
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