Yay! With the help of Jing Jing, I've gotten a couple of songs up playing! Once again, using the very useful program Goldwave, I've compressed the songs so that they are small enough to be loaded quickly without losing much of the quality. Here are the songs that should be currently playing, each chosen from the large number of Japanese anime songs that i have in my collection: 1) Tooi Kono Machi (a Cardcaptor favourite of mine.)
2) Anata to Ireba (Another Cardcaptor song, kind of cute, catchy tune)
3)Fields of Hope (Theme song of the ever beautiful Lacus, from GSD. Very peaceful)
Then it skips a few songs, but a window should come up, asking you if you want to download them. They are quite nice songs too.
4) I wanna go to a place (3th ending theme of GSD, sang by Rie Fu.)
Skips again, i think. Is is skipping because I'm pressing the next button? I won't know.
5) Mizu no Akashi (Song sang by Lacus in GS. Peaceful too. Lacus is the greatest)
Yeah, so that's all. Exams are coming up, and what are you doing here? Go and study, you baka! bwahahahahahhahaaa!
"The shadow by my finger cast
Divides the future from the past:
Before it, sleeps the unborn hour,
In darkness, and beyong thy power:
Behind its unreturning line,
The vanished hour, no longer thine:
One hour alone is in thy hands, -
The NOW on which the shadow stands."
The Sun-Dial at Wells Collage, by Henry Van Dyke.
"I read a yarn the other day -
A crazy concept, I must say.
It states that objects have extension
In what is called the 'Fourth Dimension.'
In hyperspace one could, no doubt,
Make tennis balls turn inside out;
And from a nut remove the kernel
And not disturb the shell external.
A crook could pilfer bonds and locks;
One step in this direction queer,
And presto! He would disappear!
Let's hope, in planning new inventions,
They'll give us cars with four dimensions.
When searching for a parking place
We sure could use some hyperspace!"
Bob Olsen, The Four Dimensional Auto-Parker.
"What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?"
"Now! You're looking at now, sir. Everything that happens now, is happening, now."
"What happened to then?"
"We're past that."
"Just now. We're at now, now."
"Go back to then."
"I can't."
"We missed it."
"Just now." [The henchman then sets the video to rewind.]
"When will then be now?"
The evil Lord Helmet and his chief henchman looking at an instant videotape of their own movie, instand videos being available beofre the movie is finished. Perplexed at watching on a television screen everything that he is doing as he does it (the screen is showing an infinite regression of television screens, each being watched by a Lord Halmet), Lord Hamlet then initiates the above rapid-fire exhange. Quite funny, is it not?
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