Ah! The last post was like so long ago. And I promised myself that I would give this old blog a revamp...As you can see, it did not happen. lol Score 1 for putting things off till another day.
Hmmm....I wonder if anyone is still reading this waste of memory space. Probably not...Except for my dear friend Sheng Hui. He's probably the only one who would want to come over and read whatever nonesense that I brother to throw onto this site. Come to think of it, I wonder why I even set this thing up in the first place? Sure, it was back in 2004 ( not too long ago) that this little blog was thrown up. Back then, blogs was THE in-thing. Everyone had one. Brad Pitt had one. Heck, even the Queen probably has one (to any British who might be reading this {highly doubt it} I have nothing against the Queen. I highly respect her and hope that she would live a hundred years more )
Yeah, as I was saying, it was when it looked as if that everyone had one. And one by one, the people around me also fell prey to the growing thrend of blogging. Even though I pride myself on not following trends, well....It is still hard to resist when you see your best friends telling each other about what they have read in each other's blogs. And so I started one.
And well, you can see the result here. Apart from the banner up there, everything here is right from the template provided by blogger.com. I didn't learn much from making this blog, aside from learning how to create banners. Nothing about HTML coding, though I will pick it up when I have the time. Nothing on creating my own wallpaper for the blog. Nothing at all. None. Zip.
But of course, I won't say that this blog didn't serve any purpose. It provided an easy place for me to vent whatever frustrations that I had at that moment (come to think of it, I didn't do that alot). It also allowed me a small little corner for me air my views on whatever it is that I had on my mind at that moment (think of it as my own private Speaker's Corner, where I don't have to ask the PAP for permission to say anything), as well as a place recount the events of my day. Looking around, I see that that is what most of my friends do with their blogs. Recounting the events of their day, that it. But is that the real purpose of a blog?
Most of the blogs of my friends are just places where you can read details of their day. "Oh, I went down to the store, met Shawn along the way, and chatted with him on yadda yadda till I forgot what it is that I wanted to buy" or something like that. Just details, no thinking through or no human thought process evident in their writing. For all you know, their blog might be writen by little robots who follow their master around and enter the key events into their blogs for them. After a while, they tend to lose interest in their blogs. The number of updates slow, and stop altogether, something not unlike that which is going on here.
Personally, I believe that a blog should be a place where, if you are talking about your day, a place where you allow your thoughts on the key events of your day to run free. It may be a rant on the bugger who stands in front of the door when the MRT comes like a huge wooden post ( to those of you reading this, you know who you are) or on how you felt when a total stranger came by and helped you in your time of need. The point is, I don't think that a blog should be just a timeline for the things that happens in your day ( A followed by B followed by C). A blog should contain your thoughts (hopefully insightfull ones) and your feelings on the matter.
Now that was quite the long rant. Clearly, you can see that it is coming from a deranged mind...If you point a gun to my head and ask me to put the blame on someone, I would blame the subject of GP. After doing 56 reading articles throughout the holidays, I now find that I can see ideas where perviously before saw none, gain insights in places where previously before had none...Or maybe I'm just getting older. Oh well.
Ah, before I forget, we would be having a Christmas party on the 23rd of December. To anyone reading this, I do hope that you would come. We will be meeting at 3 at Bishan MRT. There will be food provided, of course. And carolling too, by yours truely. And if your are on the 2000 batch of GMSS, a nice little skit staring your friends. So I hope that you would come. *looks around* *A dustball rolls by* Oh well, no one's here. *walks away into the glorious sunset*
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