Monday, July 31, 2006

92 more days to the A levels. Time to really start work. Haha. About time too. Spent the last few weeks slacking and playing this really cute game "Pangya". Its a golf game, for those of you who don't know. "Golf???" I hear you saying? Yes, that's right, golf. And its actually quite fun too, helped no doubt by the fact that the characters inside are so darnedly cute. Haha. Yeah, I'm playing it only for the cuteness factor.

I'm typing this in school now, while the rest of my friends are studying. Kudos to them. Hard workers one and all. So unlike me. A true born slacker, that I am. Well, not any more. Bwahahahahaha!

A short little post. I won't be posting for quite some time now, but you can keep checking back every now and then to see if I have anything new. I will be posting my views on the Middle Easten crisis some time soon, if I am able. After that, I probably won't touch this blog till after the A levels.

Till then.


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