Thursday, January 27, 2005

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto -

Uchiha Itachi!!! Yay! One of my favourite characters from Naruto. lol. Nothing to say, just logged into to show the result of this character test from Yeah, so that's all...

Fun things to do in school:

Take a matchbox, roll up a piece of paper and put it in the matchbox. Set the rolled up piece of paper on fire and throw it in a wastepaper basket. Walk away as quickly as possible.

Here's something i've found on the internet.

Fun Things to do in a Final Exam

1)Bring a pillow. Fall asleep (or pretend to) until the last 15 minutes. Wake up, say "oh geez, better get cracking" and do some gibberish work. Turn it in a few minutes early.

2)Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming "Andre, Andre, I've got the secret documents!!"

3)If it is a math/science exam, answer in essay form. If it is long answer/essay form, answer with numbers and symbols. Be creative. Use the integral symbol.

4)Make paper airplanes out of the exam. Aim them at the instructor's left nostril.

5)Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, "I'm SOOO sure you can hear me thinking." Then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is.

6)Bring cheerleaders.

7)Walk in, get the exam, sit down. About five minutes into it, loudly say to the instructor, "I don't understand ANY of this. I've been to every lecture all semester long! What's the deal? And who the hell are you? Where's the regular guy?"

8)Bring a Game Boy (or Game Gear, etc...). Play with the volume at max level.

9)On the answer sheet (book, whatever) find a new, interesting way to refuse to answer every question. For example: I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that it conflicts with my religious beliefs. Be creative.

10)Bring pets.

11)Run into the exam room looking about frantically. Breathe a sigh of relief. Go to the instructor, say "They've found me, I have to leave the country" and run off.

12)Fifteen minutes into the exam, stand up, rip up all the papers into very small pieces, throw them into the air and yell out "Merry Christmas." If you're really daring, ask for another copy of the exam. Say you lost the first one. Repeat this process every fifteen minutes.

13)Do the exam with crayons, paint, or fluorescent markers.

14)Come into the exanstructor is looking that day.

15)Come to the exam wearing a black cloak. After about 30 minutes, put on a white mask and start yelling "I'm here, the phantom of the opera"

Written by: Jeremy M. Toeman

That sure brought a laugh. Ciao.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Man, those Japanese really have to much free time on their hands...They have nothing better to do than to come up with this homemade video on Naruto. Those people who actually watch or read the Naruto manga would be able to fully appreciate this clip.

And so our first three day weekend of the year has passed...Slacked throughout the three days...Spent my time playing the computer, mostly LF2ing with Jun Liang online. Or I would be downloading Naruto and Gundam Seed Destiny and watch them. Oh, the joys of having a broadband Internet connection. It opens the door to all kinds of worldly entertainment. But it does have it bad points...It is able to corrupt the soul...Make it do it dark desires. But that isn’t it…An internet connection is just like fire. It is just a tool, and takes on the form of good or evil depending of the user. If the user’s soul is dark, then he would use the internet to do things which should not ever see the light of day. But, if the user’s soul is pure, then the internet would hold no temptations over him. It would merely be something to further his purposes.

Haiz, talked so much crap. Nothing to do now, except prepare myself to face another week of sleeping with my eyes open. Oh, the agonies of school. Only one thing in this world is vile enough, bad enough, so downright disgusting that they ( meaning the guys upstairs) had to pass a law to make us attent it. No prizes for guessing it right - That's SCHOOL!!! lol :P

Then again, school can be quite fun, what with all your friends being there and so on and so on. But still, its natural for us kid/teenagers to deslike going to school...You can say that it is inbuilt into our system. Oh well, youth does not wait...Life goes on. And speaking of youth, school is cutting out more than 20 years of our life which could be better spent in letting us enjoy ourselves. lol Try to get your teacher arrested for destorying the minds of the young. That would show them. Brawhahahahaha! Ahahahahahahaha!

Hmmm, here's a nice thing which you can try doing in school:

At 12 everyday, start humming really loudly. Should your teacher or anyone tell you to keep it down, look at him/she/it in the eye, and say "Do you have a problem with my religion, sir???"

lol That should be fun, I guess. And for the quote of the day...

"The power to believe in yourself. That is the power to change fate." Shiranui Genma, Naruto

Yeah all for today. Till next time.

Monday, January 17, 2005

In the blink of an eye, three weeks of school went by. Many of us has made new friends(maybe), taken up a new CCA, and for those who aren't going for the first three months, are maing a lot of money. :P Anyway, don't have much to say here. I just wanted to clear off the dustbunnies that must be coving the server which blogger has given me. Yeah, so.......lets move on to more fun stuff. ;)

SINGAPORE WON THE TIGER CUP!!! If you don't know that by now......Under which rock and in which cave have you been living in? I bet that Sheng Hui had jumped up and down for joy when he watched the match yesterday, if he was watching the match and not doing his JC homework. I've never believed that Singapore would win the Tiger Cup. The last time they won was in......19-something....Probably before I was born, cuz i don't remember Singapore ever win the Cup in my lifetime. I hope that this great change of luck that has befallen our team wouldn't go away anytime soon...Maybe we could keep on winning, even though i think that that is unlikely. lol Whatever.

Nothing much to say people. Good luck in your JC, and for those who are working - work hard, and make more money! :P

"No, that conflict won't end, therefore power will be neccessary." Chairman of ZAFT, Gundam Seed Destiny